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Just the facts*

For 10,000 years the average global surface temperature remained stable within 1°Celsius.

Stable temperature produced consistent weather patterns that allowed humanity to develop farming. Farming allowed humanity to produce surplus food that supported faster population growth, trade, and ultimately modern civilization.

Carbon, methane and other greenhouse gas pollution in the atmosphere causes global warming.

For every 1,000 GtCO2 of carbon in the atmosphere, the average global surface temperature increases 0.45°C.

Since 1850 (about the beginning of the industrial revolution), the accumulated carbon pollution in the atmosphere is 2,390 GtCO2.

Currently, human activity is putting 40 GtCO2 of carbon pollution in the atmosphere per year.

For all the talk about limiting greenhouse gas pollution, the amount of carbon pollution is increasing each year by an increasing amount.

The 60-year average yearly increase in carbon pollution is 1.61%.

The 10-year average yearly increase in carbon pollution is 2.4%.

The 30-year projected average yearly increase in carbon pollution is 3.5%.

We have all noticed the proliferation of extreme weather events in recent years. Huge forest fires throughout the western and Pacific northwestern US, Greece, and Australia. Torrential rainfall and flooding in Tennessee, Germany, Belgium, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Tropical storms escalating into category 4 Hurricanes in Asia and the Gulf of Mexico. Severe heat waves bringing 115°F weather to Portland, Seattle, and as far north as Saskatchewan (Canada).

All these extreme weather events are due to global average surface temperature increasing 1.07°C since 1850.

We currently have more carbon in our atmosphere than the Earth has experienced in 800,000 years.

By comparison, the last ice age ended 15,000 years ago.

At the rate of annual greenhouse gas pollution, global climate scientist estimate average global surface temperature will increase since 1850 by 1.5°C in 2035.

At 1.5°C, the rate and intensity of extreme weather events will be unprecedented in the historical observational record.

And if you think we have plenty of time to reverse the greenhouse pollution in the atmosphere causing global warming, in order to give the planet a 50% chance not to exceed 1.5°C by 2050, our 30-year average annual carbon pollution cannot exceed 16.67 GtCO2.

That is 58% less than our current annual carbon pollution of 40 GtCO2 per year for the next 30 years.

The climate crisis is real, and it is here. The economy exists within the ecology. Get educated on what sustains human life.

*The source of the data cited here is the science basis of the Summary for Policymakers from the UN’s 6th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Every member country of the United Nations has endorsed the findings of the report.

The Summary for Policymakers is 42 pages long (the whole report in almost 4,000 pages long).

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